CRAFT revision
Passport to Formal Markets
for artisanal and small-scale mining
The second CRAFT consultation ended!
The second CRAFT consultation was from MARCH 31st to MAY 31st, 2020
#EngageWithASM #MineralsYouCanTrust #PassportToFormalMarkets
CRAFT improves confidence in the minerals extracted by artisanal and small-scale miners.
Here you will find the surveys of the consultation:
Help us make the best decisions based on your experience.
We need the point of view from the market.
Experts in other minerals
How to adapt CRAFT to cobalt, 3T, gems or carbon?
Human and Workers’ Rights
Are you part of a specialized organization in human rights? Do you know about women and children’ rights?
We care deeply about your opinion! Take the survey – 15 minutes
Societal Welfare
Get involved about conflict areas, security forces, indigenous rights, among others.
Company Governance
To strengthen CRAFT on legal compliance, money laundering or extortion.
Environment and protection
If you have knowledge about environmental issues.
Download CRAFT
CRAFT Code v1.0 was published on July 31, 2018.
The following documents were under consultation with a new structure divided in 4 volumes.
Download CRAFT volume 1
Introduction and general characteristics
Download CRAFT volume 2A
Commodity-independent requirements
Download CRAFT volume 2B
Commodity-specific requirements
Download CRAFT volume 3
Schemes principles
Download CRAFT volume 4
Guidance book
What was the revision about?
ARM and RESOLVE developed CRAFT through a widely participative process that involved stakeholders from all parts of the supply chain; international civil society, intergovernmental organizations, independent experts, and more.
Two governance groups were established with the aim to advise and guide the elaboration of this ASM tool: an Advisory group and a Technical Committee. Additional input was solicited through a global, public stakeholder consultation process involving over 400 individuals from the industry, mining communities, civil society, and governments from over 18 countries spanning 6 continents.
Addressing all comments and incorporating suggested improvements, the CRAFT Code was published on July 31st, 2018.
Now, it is important to improve the CRAFT Code and to adjust it to the real necessities that have been perceived during its implementation.
Why a second consultation is needed?
- ISEAL recommends two rounds of consultation: to follow these recommendations for setting the best practices in support of CRAFT’s credibility and legitimacy as a tool.
- To expand the scope of CRAFT in order to maximize its usefulness in the artisanal and small-scale mining. The increase in the demand of risk-free minerals is a rising tendency.
- To enable progressive improvement and integrate lessons learned from implementing version.