Territories where CRAFT has been used
Get to know the different initiatives and projects
Latin America

© Anexpo S.A.S
Cauca - Women mineral selectors sell to formal market
In the framework of CAPAZ Project, CRAFT was tested in Colombia with groups of women mineral selectors from Cauca. The project focused on gender empowerment, formalization of the mining women group, as well as the creation and strengthening of their association.
Cauca, Colombia.
Implemented by Alliance for Responsible Mining with the funding of European Partnership for Responsible Minerals. In the same territory, there are also funds available from Ford Foundation and the Swedish-Norwegian Fund for Support to the Colombian Civil Society (FOS).
- Formalization: encourage the connection of artisan women miners with formal markets.
- Poverty Reduction, encourage decent work and inequality reduction: formal productive activity with labor contracting, an income that is not below the minimum established by law, fair prices and access to social security, as well as the organizational enforcement, and the creation of associations, make miners reduce the poverty breach in the territories.
- Environment protection, health and well-being: adopting good mining practices and new gold processing technologies that allow them to be more responsible with the environment, through training and technical counseling.
- Strategic alliances: approaching institutions, connections and support of several sectors that make miners (women and men) more visible and perceived.
- Economic growth: more responsible practices in mining activities allow having access to formal markets and therefore, obtain fairer prices.
- Gender equality encouragement: miner (women) empowerment by creating associations and invitations to incidence events.
Nariño - Small mining organization reduces risks and leads to exports with CRAFT
Coodmilla mining organization
La Llanada, Nariño, Colombia.
Implemented by Alliance for Responsible Mining with the funding of European Partnership for Responsible Minerals.
Human and Workers’ Rights
- Training for over 150 people (Administrative staff, associates and workers) in the course of manipulation of explosive substances for mining, and labor aspects in charge of the training for work Entity of the Colombian State.
- Compliance of minimum standards of occupational health and safety, as well as all obligations according to the internal regulation of work in compliance with Colombian work legislation.
Societal Welfare and Commercialization
- Acquisition of a bank account and monetization services.
- Make a sales and production plan.
- Implement a risk-prevention system related to money laundering and terrorism financing (SARLAFT).
- Get related with competent public organisms able to certify that there is no Children labor in mining areas.
Company Management
- Implementing a traceability system in the mine.
- Make a development plan for compliance of the Environmental Management Plan of the mine.
- Appropriate handling of solid residues, toxic and hazardous substances
Boyacá - Cooperativa Agrominera Multiactiva de Paipa Ltda.
Coodmilla mining organization
Paipa, Boyacá, Colombia.
Implemented by Alliance for Responsible Mining, Fundación PACT, and Fundación Mi Sangre; funded by the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) within the framework of the Project “Somos Tesoro” (We are a Treasure). “Somos Tesoro” is a Project focused on the elimination of Children labor.
Human and Workers’ Rights
- Working in the way where mining organizations will be in compliance with Decree 1886 of 2015 and other current Colombian legislation on occupational, safety and health.
- Handling basic concepts related to Due Dilingence and HHRR internationally recognized
Societal Welfare and Commercialization
- Knowledge of transparent supply chains.
Company Management
- Mining organization enforced in taxation topics, aligned with CRAFT criteria.
- Mining staff sensitized and trained in child labour.
- Implementation of a mineral control and traceability system.
- Adequate management of the water in the mine.
- Management mesures for the restoration and conservation of the ecosystem and, in particular, regarding the Sochagota lake.
Chocó – Project in development with artisanal (women and men) miners
Currently, and until 2021, Fundación Atabaque, Alliance for Resposible Mining and Anexpo S.A.S. are implementing a project so that artisanal (women and men) miners from Chocó, in Colombia, may use CRAFT including the traceability system of Anexpo marketer.
It is sought to improve access to markets and increase the volume of gold exported from artisan (women and men) miners, using the due diligence tool, working as a mechanism to improve their environmental and labor practices, as well as to dignify their means of living. Also, to empower women miners so they become active leaders, promoting equity in territory governance and the peace process.
The project is carried out in Quibdó, Istmina and Condoto, in Colombia.
Organizations and actors involved
Anexpo, Fundación Atabaque and Alliance for Responsible Mining. Funded by European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM).
“Expected Results”
- Implementation of a CRAFT chain supply scheme Using a harmonized Due Diligence tool that verifies completely traceable supply chain, and
- Include a methodology to apply Due Diligence through a CRAFT scheme applicable in the context of thousands of artisan (women and men) miners spread individually, without the presence of a formal organizational structure.
- Encourage participation of (women – especially – and men) miners in local territory governance, through territory risk-mitigation plan that will contribute to mitigate barriers and enforce women capabilities for responsible management of natural resources.
Latin America

© Alianza por la Minería Responsable, Maria Pujol
Santa Bárbara - Miners from 7 communities join to make formal mining
The community mining company «Minas y Cuevas» is located in Macuelizo, Honduras, and it comprises 7 communities. Each community has a number of partners dedicated to different economic activities and, within these, it is possible to identify people who dedicate to mining activity.
Santa Bárbara, Honduras.
The international buyer got involved in the development of the Community business, investing on the improvement of the practices of the organization. The Alliance for Responsible Mining accompanied Minas y Cuevas from 2017 to 2019 for the implementation of CRAFT Code, analyzing the risk at which the Company was exposed and creating a participative improvement plan. All of this was possible thanks to the funding of Lundin Foundation.
Stakeholders such as German-Honduran Center or the Ministry of Mining were essential for the success of the accompaniment of Minas y Cuevas.
- Legality and formality: Minas y Cuevas is legally constituted as a Company. They have the mining title.
- Technical Aspects: There is a mineral-processing plant with gold-collection gravimetric methods for the reduction and elimination of mercury in the process, and no explosives are used for mineral extraction.
- Traceability: There is a traceability system to keep control of the mineral extracted by the different work groups.
- Strategic Alliances: Getting closer to institutions, connections and the support of several sectors, makes miners visible and noticeable.
- Occupational health and safety: Personal protection elements, emergency plans, health and safety committee, proper signaling, accident-report process, among others.
- Environment and Natural Resources: Environmental license, mercury-reduction plan.
Since December 2019, Minas y Cuevas S.A. is CRAFT compliant, guaranteeing that it is enabled to access formal markets as long as it keeps showing improvement in the commitments acquired.
Burkina Faso

© Paul Lemaire
Burkina Faso - New project connecting mining groups with formal markets (focusing in mercury and organizational strengthening)
The Alliance for Responsible Mining will be working between 2020 and 2021 with a minimum of 10 mining groups. The purpose is to strengthening their organizations and giving them technical support focusing on the reduction and elimination of mercury. This will be achieved through CRAFT code compliance, that will connect this mining groups with formal markets.
North-center, west-center and west-south regions, Burkina Faso.
Funding by the European Union.